New Entrants

So your child is turning five soon and you are looking for information about how best to transition your child to school and what Papakaio has to offer? Then this is the page for you.We have a new classroom that is set up specifically for our newest learners.

What Papakaio has to offer

  • A Positive Kind and Supportive Learning Environment
  • A warm open environment
  • High expectations
  • Child centred programs such as Discovery Time
  • Well resourced classrooms with ICT tools
  • Quality Teaching Staff

During most days we cover: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, PE, Inquiry, Oral language. We usually focus on literacy and numeracy in the mornings.
Through these we also teach five key competencies; thinking, using language, symbols, and texts, managing self, relating to others, participating and contributing.
Our routines in the classroom do not change a lot as structure is an essential part of helping New Entrants transition to school.

Our Pre-School Support/Transition Programme

Pre-Schoolers are invited to 5 or 6 Discovery Time visits. These take place on Friday mornings from 9:00 until 11:00. This usually starts two or so months before they turn 5.

Most children stay, one morning until play, another morning until lunch and a full day (normally a Friday) before they start school. Parents are welcome to attend with them to support them and as they gain confidence, slowly withdraw to the staffroom or home. We know this can be a stressful and anxious time for some children and parents, Therefore we have built in flexibility around this process. Our aim is to make the transition as smooth and as comfortable as possible.

These times and arrangements are flexible because we recognise that every child is an individual. However, to minimise disruption, transition will be managed with the whole-class's learning in mind.

To arrange a visit or a Enrolment Pack please contact us.

Skills to work on at home to prepare your child

  • Independence: Carrying their own school bag, hanging it up, putting their notebook in to be marked, passing on any notes
  • Taking responsibility for their own gear: Clothing, shoes, hats, stationery, putting lunch box away
  • Recognising their name; writing their name is helpful
  • Using lower case letters for writing, (using a k with a loop)
  • Pencil grip
  • Basic counting
  • Using Scissors
  • Listening to and telling stories
  • Vocalising their needs e.g.. ‘I have a sore toe’
  • Toileting themselves, changing clothes
  • Playing games and taking turns
  • following instructions
  • singing the alphabet and recognising some letters
  • being left with other children and people for increasing lengths of time

Mrs Chris Allen
New Entrant Teacher

Home Learning

Your child will bring home a new reading book most nights. At times they will have banks of sight words or numbers to learn. Please read these with your child and record in their notebook. Playing is a huge part of learning so board and card games really help build skills. The important thing is to make any homework a positive experience. 15 minutes is all it should take.
Use a Pause, Prompt, Praise approach.
If you have any questions, ask your child's teacher.
Other ways you can help with Reading at home;
  • Spend time with your child reading
  • Talk about pictures in books
  • Sing waiata and songs, make up rhymes together
  • Let your child see you enjoying reading
  • Share favourite books
  • Point out words on signs,
  • Play word games like ‘I spy’ and ‘Simon says…’
  • Show enthusiasm to have your child read their book from school, every day.
  • Encourage writing, have writing materials available to your child
  • Have magnetic letters on the fridge for your child to play with.
  • Talking about time, colours, shapes, sharing
  • Finding numbers around the house or neighbourhood (clocks, letterboxes, rapid no's)
  • Do sums using objects. ‘We need 4 forks and 2 knives, how many do we have’ count them to find the answer
  • Using language of position (over, under, out, before and after)
  • Counting with your children, forwards and backwards